Author: PCCG Point Conception Consulting GmbH
Participation as mentors at Start-Up Accelerator programme PortXL

With support of Jörn Kamphius from Berlin we have travelled to Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in February 2018 to participate as mentors during the Selection-Days hosted by PortXL.
Two very exciting days with inspiring people and exciting business ideas!
Point Conception contracted by Fraunhofer CML to support software innovation

We are glad to share that Point Conception was contracted by Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services to support their business case development and subsequent launch of an innovative software solution for the maritime industry.
Point Conception has acquired another international ship manager as new client

As initial event, a workshop about the regulatory shipping framework aiming at the shore staff of the German branch office was held.
Content, varied presentation media and an extraordinary meeting venue took the participants on a multidimensional journey all the way from the “Titanic”-days to contemporary shipping topics.
Surf Off-Site in Portugal

Surfing in Portugal: with entrepreneurs from Hamburg and Berlin, we grabbed our boards for a week so we could spend the evenings developing creative start-up ideas with renewed vigour.